
A TimeSync administrator is a user whose responsibilities include creating projects, creating activities, managing users, and reporting. In general, TimeSync is designed to be as straightforward as possible; however, there are still a few things to keep in mind as a TimeSync admin.

Creating new projects and activities


A project is something that a TimeSync user works on – a website, product, etc. In TimeSync, a project contains a few pieces of information to make users’ lives easier:

  • a uri: a uri linking to the project’s homepage or repo.
  • a name: this is the full name of the project that should be displayed to the user.
  • a default_activity: if a time does not reference any activities, but does reference a project which has a default activity, that default will be used for the time’s activities field. The default activity may be null, in which case times must provide their own activities.
  • a list of slugs: these are generally short things that people can refer to the project with. If your project is named Protein Geometry Database, it makes users’ lives easier to only need to type in pgd when submitting new entries.

Slugs can’t refer to multiple projects at the same time – so if you have Fine Software Project and the Fancy Scalable Project, you can’t refer to both of them as fsp.


An activity is something that a TimeSync user spends their time doing – software development, documentation, code reviewing, etc. An activity contains only two pieces of information:

  • a name: this is a human-readable name of the activity, like Documentation.
  • a slug: this is a human-typeable version of the activity. It should be memorable and quick to type, like dev for Development and docs for Documentation.

Activities can only have one slug, so choose wisely.

Getting a subset of time entries

TimeSync lets you choose a subset of time entries based on things like the user that did the work, the project worked on, the date range, etc. All parameters can be used in combination, for example to limit a query to only a certain user’s time entries on a certain project in a certain week.


The list of times can be set to the exact projects you want reports on. For instance, if you’re only interested in two projects, gwm and pgd, out of a large number of projects , you can easily choose to only view the time entries associated with one, the other, or both.


If you’re only interested in the time users spent on one particular activity, that’s easy as well. Just as with projects, you can elect to view an individual activity, or some subset of all activities.


Just as with projects and activities, the time entries can be selected by the users that worked on them.

Date worked

If you are only interested in a certain date range worked, you can set the start, end, or both to limit the timespan of the time entries selected.


An administrator can opt to view only entries by alice and bob on the awesome-proj and boring-proj from 2015-02-27 to 2015-03-14 by setting the parameters on their client to the above values.

Getting a subset of projects


You may also filter projects to only show those on which a given user is a member, using a query parameter similar to that used with times.