User Management

Users are managed primarily through the API, by admin users.

Users Model

For reference of the user fields, see the model docs.

Here is an example user object:

  "display_name": "User One",
  "username": "user1",
  "email": "",
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": false,
  "site_admin": false,
  "created_at": "2016-02-15",
  "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "active": true,
  "meta": "extra metadata about user"


Usernames may consist of uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde characters.


Usernames are considered case-insensitive: they will be displayed using the case they were created with, but both the /users/:username endpoints and the /login endpoint will match on any capitalization, i.e. if I have a user named ‘User1’, GET /users/User1, GET /users/user1, and GET /users/uSeR1 will all return that user.

Admin Users

A site-wide admin user is defined by the boolean admin field. Admins are able to access any endpoint, and manage all users (including being the only users which can promote others to admin status).

/users Endpoint

User management involves a new endpoint, at /users. In most respects it is similar to the other endpoints, with certain key differences.

GET /users

Returns a list of all user objects.

    "display_name": "User One",
    "username": "user1",
    "email": "",
    "site_spectator": true,
    "site_manager": false,
    "site_admin": false,
    "created_at": "2016-02-15",
    "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "active": true,
    "meta": "extra metadata about user"
    // ...
  // ...


The /users endpoint also includes the ability to ?include_deleted objects.


Usernames are permanent, even upon deletion.

GET /users/:username

Returns a single user object.

  "display_name": "User One",
  "username": "user1",
  "email": "",
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": false,
  "site_admin": false,
  "created_at": "2016-02-15",
  "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "active": true,
  "meta": "extra metadata about user"

GET /users?include_deleted=true

    "display_name": "User One",
    "username": user1,
    "email": "",
    "site_spectator": true,
    "site_manager": false,
    "site_admin": false,
    "created_at": "2016-02-15",
    "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
    "deleted_at": "2017-06-21",
    "active": false,
    "meta": "extra metadata about user"
    // ...
  // ...

GET /users/:username?include_deleted=true

  "display_name": "User One",
  "username": "user1",
  "email": "",
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": false,
  "site_admin": false,
  "created_at": "2016-02-15",
  "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
  "deleted_at": "2017-06-21",
  "active": false,
  "meta": "extra metadata about user"

POST /users

Create a new user.


  "displayname": "X. Ample User",
  "username": "example",
  "password": "password",
  "email": ""
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": false,
  "site_admin": false,
  "active": true,
  "meta": "Some metadata about the user"


  "displayname": "X. Ample User",
  "username": "example",
  "email": ""
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": false,
  "site_admin": false,
  "active": true,
  "created_at": "2016-02-15",
  "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "active": true,
  "meta": "Some metadata about the user"


It is the client’s responsibility to hash the password before sending it to this endpoint, unlike the /login endpoint (see auth). The password should be hashed with bcrypt, using 10 rounds. The bcrypt prefix should be “2a” (different implementations may use different prefixes, but the API requires consistency for authentication).


This endpoint may only be accessed by admins and sitewide managers.


It is recommended that admins provide the user with a temporary password and have the user change the password when they log in.

POST /users/:username

Original object:

  "display_name": "User One",
  "username": "user1",
  "email": "",
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": false,
  "site_admin": false,
  "active": true,
  "created_at": "2016-02-15",
  "updated_at": "2016-02-15",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "active": false,
  "meta": "extra metadata about user"

Request body (made by a site_admin user):

  "display_name": "New Displayname",
  "password": "Battery Staple",
  "email": "",
  "meta": "Different metadata about user1",
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": true,
  "site_admin": false,

The response will be:

  "display_name": "New Displayname",
  "username": "user1",
  "email": "",
  "site_spectator": true,
  "site_manager": true,
  "site_admin": false,
  "created_at": "2016-02-15",
  "updated_at": "2016-02-18",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "meta": "Different metadata about user1"


It is the client’s responsibility to hash the password before sending it to this endpoint, unlike the /login endpoint (see auth). The password should be hashed with bcrypt, using 10 rounds. The bcrypt prefix should be “2a” (different implementations may use different prefixes, but the API requires consistency for authentication).


Site-wide admins can modify other users’ site_spectator, site_manager, and site_admin fields.

Site-wide managers can modify other users’ site_spectator fields.

This endpoint may be accessed by admins, sitewide managers, or the user who is being updated. However, users may not set their own permissions unless they are an admin, and managers may only set the site_spectator field; thus the site_admin and site_manager fields may only be set by an admin.

DELETE /users/:username

Soft-delete a user. Returns a 200 OK with empty response body on success, or an error on failure. Only accessible to admins.

For more information on deletion, see the DELETE section of the API docs.

Role Management

Role management is handled through the projects and users endpoints.

The user object contains the site_spectator, site_manager, and site_admin fields, which are booleans designating those permissions. As stated above, a sitewide manager may promote a user to sitewide spectator or demote sitewide spectators; a sitewide admin may also promote a user to sitewide manager or to admin, or demote sitewide managers or other admins (including themselves).

The project object contains a users object, which map users (by username) to their permissions on the project. An admin, sitewide manager, or project manager may set these at any time, adding to or removing from any of the lists. A project may have zero or more of members, spectators, and managers; if a project has no managers, sitewide managers and admins may still manage the project.